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You are looking to Octanoic acid

General Information

Pubchem ID: 379

IUPAC Name: octanoic acid

Synonym/s: caprylic acid, Octylic acid

Molecular Formula: C8H16O2


Known Interaction/s

Structural Values

Molecular Weight (Da): 144.2100

Number of Atoms: 26

Rotatable Bonds: 6

Molecular Refractivity (m³ • mol-1 ): 40.270

Physico-chemical Properties

Volume (cm³ • mol-1 ): 647.00

Solvent Accessible Surface Area (Ų): 413.96

Hydrogen Bond Donor: 0

Hydrogen Bond Acceptor: 0

Total Charge: 0

pKa: 4.92

AlogP: 2.71

Polar Surface Area (Å): 51.77

Pharmacological Analysis

Rule of Five or Lipinsky Rule: Satisfied

Rule of Three: Unsatisfied

Ghose Filter: Unsatisfied

Functional Group/s


Carboxylic Acid