You are looking to 2-Propanethiol
General Information
Pubchem ID: 6364
IUPAC Name: propane-2-thiol
Synonym/s: Isopropyl Mercaptan, ---
Molecular Formula: C3H8S
Known Interaction/s
Structural Values
Molecular Weight (Da): 76.1600
Number of Atoms: 12
Rotatable Bonds: 0
Molecular Refractivity (m³ • mol-1 ): 23.550
Physico-chemical Properties
Volume (cm³ • mol-1 ): 366.10
Solvent Accessible Surface Area (Ų): 259.73
Hydrogen Bond Donor: 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor: 0
Total Charge: 0
pKa: None
AlogP: 1.34
Polar Surface Area (Å): 0.00
Pharmacological Analysis
Rule of Five or Lipinsky Rule: Satisfied
Rule of Three: Satisfied
Ghose Filter: Unsatisfied
Functional Group/s